Flint Step Up Pick Up 2022 Launch

Please see the announcement below for Step Up, Pick Up 2022! Your neighborhood association could win a $1,000 prize for picking up the most trash of any group in the city, and there are smaller prizes and contests as well!

August 23rd, 2022

Community Clean Up Competition Announced

Flint Neighborhood Groups Invited to Sign-Up and Win Cash Prizes

Flint, MI — Communities First, Inc. (CFI), a local nonprofit, announces Step Up, Pick Up Community Clean Up Competition in partnership with Keep Genesee County Beautiful and the Neighborhood Engagement Hub. Flint-based neighborhood groups and businesses are invited to register at tinyurl.com/StepUpPickUp2022 up until September 3rd.

Once neighborhood groups sign-up, they will receive additional information on how to report their successes to CFI and become eligible to win a cash prize! Businesses are still welcome to participate, though not eligible for the cash prizes.

Registered groups will compete in the major challenge: who can pick up the most pounds of litter, over a course of two weeks, September 3rd to September 17th. In this category, prizes will be given out as follows:

First Place: $1,000

Second Place: $500

Third Place: $250

Additionally, there will be four smaller challenges this year as well! The first place organization in each of these categories will win $250. These challenges are:

Most Steps Taken

Most Pounds of Cigarette Butts Picked Up and Recycled via Communities First, Inc. and Terracycle

Most Dumping Sites Identified and Reported to CFI (who will report to the City of Flint Blight Office)

Most Volunteers for Community Cleanups

Litter collection supplies (like waste bags and trash grabbers) can be requested from Keep Genesee County Beautiful with one week’s advance notice (810.767.9696). Garden tools and landscaping equipment can be check-out from the Neighborhood Engagement Hub’s Community Tool Shed.(810.214.0186, email toolshed@nehflint.org). Please note that some larger equipment may require advanced training to use.

Award ceremony details, including time and location, to be announced.

Joel L. Arnold, AICP
Planning and Advocacy Coordinator
Communities First, Inc.
415 W. Court St.
Flint, MI 48503
(810) 422-5358 x. 1007

Make lasting change. Join the Good Ripple Effect at tinyurl.com/cfiripple

The mission of Communities First, Inc. is to build healthy, vibrant communities through economic development, affordable housing and innovative programming.

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Step Up Pick Up

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